Dear Customers!
We offer you safe and reliable transportation in a new vehicle, backed our 24/7 assistance. Available options include child seats and etc.
We provide a professional and convenient service fully adapted to your individual needs.
Our clients that use our Chauffeur Drive Service will be able to travel whole of Azerbaijan in the rented car. All drivers are HSE trained. Fee for driving services 20 AZN inside Baku and 30 AZN outside. (work time 10 hours)
We are also open to negotiations and our offer ranges from transfers to long term driver service as well as long term rent services.
One way transportation to or from the airport. We’ll wait for you if your flight is late and we'll get you safely to the airport or your destination.
All type of transportation services via minibuses/buses 7-48 seats available for you and corporate needs.
*All vehicles are covered with Comprehensive insurance.
· Health, Safety and Environment Policy
· Alcohol and Drug Policy
· Personal Protective Equipment
· Road Safety Management Policy
· Operation Policy
· Smoking Policy
· Seat belt Policy
· Mobile phone Policy
· Standard Maintenance Policy
· Driver Recruitment Policy
Health, Safety and Environment Policy
Cermington LLC Company commitment to follow and practice all HSSE rules & regulations in conduct of all business activities. It is the foremost priority of the company to comply with all HSSE requirements of our customers as well as local authorities.
· Ensure that all the drivers and vehicles are fit and well equipped.
· Conduct tool box meeting with drivers & provide trainings.
Ø Prevent harm from its activities to employees and others
Ø Comply and cooperate fully with all laws and statutes of the public authorities relating to safety regulations and standards
Ø Encourage those who contribute to improve HSSE performance.
Ø Ensure drivers report near misses, potential incident and accident.
Alcohol and Drug Policy
The Company desires all its employees free from the dependency of alcohol and drugs. It is the responsibility of every person to keep themselves away from addict able substances for the benefit of their own health and their families
1. All employees and drivers when driving company vehicles at any time should be totally free from the influence of alcohol and drugs
2. All employees during working should be totally free from the influence of alcohol and drugs.
3. Any employee who is found under the influence of alcohol during work will be suspended from the service immediately and rehabilitation will be carried out and second violation of drugs / alcohols, employee will be terminated.
4. HSSE Manager / Transport Coordinator give details about drug abuses during tool box meeting
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal protective equipment plays an important role in reducing the effects of an incident on people involved in it. Cermington Transport Company committed to provide P.P.E to all employees whenever there is an exposure to potential hazards.
After thorough analysis of transportation operation the company has recognized following areas where PPE is required in our business:
· Head Protection
This shall be provided when there is a danger from impact or penetration from falling and flying objects. Helmets will be provided for this purpose.
· Foot / Instep Protection
When there is a potential for foot injury, protection will be provided. The footwear (Safety Shoes) shall be provided meeting the HSSE standards.
· Eye Protection
This shall be provided whenever there is a potential of injury to eyes. Mandatory use of safety goggles shall be implemented.
· Hand Protection
When there is a potential of handling corrosive, hydrocarbon or toxic to touch material, this protection is necessary Cotton, leather, rubber gloves are most common hand protection items which shall be implemented.
It is the top priority of the company to ensure compliance of RSM policy by the employees.
1. Checking of all vehicles to ensure that vehicles are fit for transportation business and all vehicles are equipped with proper emergency accessories (fire extinguisher, first aid box, TREM Card etc) and these are in serviceable conditions.
2. Ensure that all drivers go through ROADD course. Obey all traffic rules.
2. Drivers are firmly instructed that any violation of the rules (e.g., speed limits, excess idling, vehicle stoppage time etc) will results in disciplinary action.
3. Drivers shall be trained to comply with company emergency response plan.
4. Comply to use safety seat belt during driving and keep safe distance from front vehicle and high alert driving during raining or wet roads
Operation is main activity of company. Safe and efficient operation is necessary to improve company performance
Cermington is committed to safe and efficient operation.
1 - Ensure Drivers appoint for vehicle are medically and mentally fit for driving.
2 - Before loading to check the fitness of vehicle by drivers and supervisors
3 - Ensure the drivers have necessary information about the journey total time ,duty hours , routes ,rest areas and potential hazards of journey
4 - To check the drivers activities by tracking , spot checking and trip log.
5 - If vehicle has defect of maintenance or safety and can not continue safe operation then refuse the load.
According to medical evidence smoking is injurious to health. Ministry of Health, Azerbaijan Republic has also declared that smoking is injurious to health. We have therefore decided to introduce No-Smoking policies in the place of work as there is a growing expectation among employees that they should be able to work in an atmosphere that is clean and smoke free.
Furthermore, it is realized that the
Company should be more proactive in encouraging NO-Smoking Zone at the work
places. Besides, smoking is also a Safety (fire) hazard. To achieve these
objectives, all staff and visitors are asked to cooperate in making all public
areas of the Company’s premises smoke-free.
In recognition of the above, we shall:
· Prohibit any smoking in all Company offices and worksites except at designated areas only.
· Require our visitors and staff to abide by this policy.
· Take disciplinary action on any employee or contractor who violates this policy.
Assistance will be considered through Medical Centre to any members of the staff who would like to give up smoking.
All company-owned vehicles should be fitted with front and rear seat belts.
· All drivers and passengers travelling by vehicles on Company business or otherwise, including those occupying rear seats, should wear seat belts where provided.
All drivers whilst driving on company business or otherwise should ensure their passengers use seat belts.
Mobile Phone Policy / Mobile Phone Policy for Drivers
Cermington is committed to the goal of no harm to people.
Mobile phones have become an essential business tool for most staff; however the use of a mobile phone, or other communication equipment, while driving presents a significant safety hazard.
Therefore, as a minimum within our business, the use of Mobile phones in motor vehicles is as follows:
For safety purpose, the use of a hands-held mobile phone while driving is forbidden and should be treated as a case of serious misconduct. If there is no hands free facility available, the phone must be switched off while driving and/or a messaging service should be used to take incoming calls and/or mobile phone to be used in a silence mode.
When the vehicle is equipped with a hands-free kit, the phone should only be used to receive calls and conversations kept. To an absolute minimum while driving. If there is a need for a longer discussion, the driver should explain his situation and offer to call the caller back when a safe place to park is available. It is not safe to stop on the hard shoulder of a motorway.
Outgoing calls should not be made while driving and dialing must not take place whilst the vehicle is in motion.
The maintenance of vehicles is the shared responsibility of the driver, maintenance staff and organization.
Routine maintenance
Drivers shall routinely check their assigned vehicles to ensure proper oil level, water and antifreeze for radiators, water for battery, wear on belts, and proper inflation of tires. This service should be performed at least weekly.
Vehicle cleaning & House keeping
It is the responsibility of driver to keep the vehicle clean and cabin in tidy condition. Vehicles should be washed as and when required. No loose objects are allowed in the cabin.
Preventive maintenance
Preventive maintenance on vehicles is to be performed at scheduled intervals. If
maintenance is not performed within plus or minus 500 km of the schedule, the
concerned staff should be asked for written explanation of this non compliance.
Repairs and maintenance
All maintenance and repairs must have prior authorization by maintenance manager/transport coordinator or any person designated, with the complete details of the maintenance on the repair order.
Regular safety/ roadworthiness inspections
All vehicles must be
inspected regularly for safety and roadworthiness as well as any inspections
required by law. It is the responsibility of the maintenance department to
ensure that all vehicles are inspected regularly. Non compliances should be
reported to senior management within three days of such occurrences.
Accident reporting
accidents, regardless of extent of damage, must be reported. Information which
should be obtained from the other driver involved in the accident is: name,
address, telephone number, license plate number. An accident reporting form must
be completed and forwarded immediately to concerned authorities.
Installation of special equipment
Special equipment will be installed on the vehicles by following guidelines:
1. Written approval prior to installation must be obtained by concerned department in the client company.
2. Radar detectors are not allowed in the vehicles.
3. Special equipment installed must not raise doubts on quantity and integrity of product being transported.
Driver Recruitment Criteria
Age and Experience.
Applicants for the slot of TL drivers shall comply with the following age and experience criteria:
1. Applicant must have at least 3 years driving experience on the type of vehicle required to be driven in the company e.g. articulated and fixed.
2. Applicant’s age should be at least 25 years at the time of recruitment.
3. Applicant’s age should not exceed the official retirement age of the company i.e.66 years.
4. At the time of recruitment, if the above selection criteria could not be met then emphasis shall be laid on driving skills and personality. Moreover, additional care during training will be taken through the added support of Monitor drivers.
5. Availability of valid BP Drive Permit
Driver’s personality attributes shall be verified through an Interview / Assessment-Form at the time of selection. The ideal candidate should be:
1. Someone who has an aptitude for driving.
2. Someone who can provide courteous service to customer.
3. Mature and responsible.
4. Decisive.
5. Capable of working independently, self reliant and self disciplined.
6. Prepared and capable of working on shifts.
Someone who must be aware and determined to practice all safety rules, methods and procedures.
1. Non Smokers shall be preferred.
2. No attitude towards drugs.
3. No physical deformity & capable of controlling the vehicle (reaching and operating the controls).
4. Someone with the ability to perceive hazards & able to react rationally in normal and emergency situations
SPL’s approved doctor shall conduct a comprehensive medical examination. Medical report shall be placed in the personal file of each driver after completion of selection process. Medical examination must ensure following fitness areas:
- Vision (eyesight and color blindness).
- Any serious illness.
- Any neurological or musculoskeletal deficiency which could adversely effect movement and reaction time.
- Conditions that could result in sudden collapse such as epilepsy, diabetes and heart attack.
- Use of any medication which could influence driving behavior.
- Stress / sleeping disorders, and degree of dependence on sleeping tablets, alcohol and other measures.
- Drug and alcohol testing.
Driving Skills
Practical Driving Test.
Each driver should go through a practical driving examination before recruitment. An experienced driver / monitor driver shall conduct this test under typical operating conditions. He will confirm that applicant is fully competent to drive the type of vehicle he would use on company business.
Appropriate Driving License.
The applicant to be recruited must have an appropriate valid License for the vehicle to be driven by him. A Photostat copy of license must be placed in his personal file.
Intelligence and General Education / (Pre-Recruitment Test)
1. Intelligence tests shall be conducted if the applicant has limited education. This shall ensure that the prospective driver demonstrates minimum level of intelligence required to fulfill his duties.
2. If an applicant is not meeting the above education standards, then he should be literate and numerate at a level where he is able to:
ü Follow written work instructions.
ü Read maps.
ü Safety bulletins.
ü Fill out trip log.
ü Other forms required to report about journey details etc.
Ø A newly selected driver will be given a Job-Offer letter along with “Extract from Rules & Regulations of the Company” for his guidance. He will be on probation for three months.
Ø Newly hired drivers should be put on the safest and least demanding routes.
Ø There should be a progression from smaller to larger trucks and from rigid to articulated vehicles, supported by continuous progressive training.
Ø During initial short trips, a monitor driver should spend the first three to five days with new driver, identifying any skill gaps, attitude problems and providing the necessary support.
Ø The monitor driver shall continue to record his skill gaps during the probationary period and through coaching, counseling, and other training drills would bridge the gaps in his driving skills. He will then submit his report to the company.
Ø Following a final trip at the end of the probationary period, the monitor driver should recommend whether or not a driver to be rejected or accepted.
Ø Job confirmation letter will be issued to the driver on probation, if Monitor-Driver comments positively about him and there is no other negative report against him.
With respect to general conduct, drivers shall:
Follow procedures regarding duty and rest periods.
1. Follow defensive driving principles.
2. Wear a seat belt at all times whilst in a moving vehicle.
3. Work in accordance with all company HSSE Rules and to act on the instructions of their supervisor.
4. Keep the vehicle and cab interior clean and tidy.
5. Not place heavy or sharp objects in the cab (or on the top of trailers).
6. Not place product samples or product contaminated material, including gloves, in the cab.
7. Not engage in horseplay or unsafe driving maneuvers.
8. Must not smoke or carry matches, lighters or other source of ignition when carrying flammable products
Other Important Requirements.
During the selection process in addition to the above mentioned requirements the under mentioned elements are also very important and the driver selection shall encompass the following:
1. Driving record (no serious offences and no more than three accidents or violations in the last 5 years).
2. Knowledge of defensive driving.
3. Attitude to alcohol and drugs.
4. Understanding of the Highway Code.
5. Awareness of key road safety issues.
6. Product knowledge.
7. First aid skills.
8. Fire fighting skills
Hörmətli Müştərilər!
Biz Sizə 24/7 saat ərzində yeni nəqliyyat vasitələri ilə bütün növ nəqliyyat xidmətləini təklif edirik. Əlavə olaraq, uşaq oturacağı və s. təklif olunur.
Biz hər bir müştərinin fərdi istəklərini nəzərə alaraq professional xidmət göstəririk.
Bizim sürücülük xidmətlərimizdən istifadə edən müştərilər, icarə götürdükləri nəqliyyat vasitəsiilə bütün Azərbaycanda səyahət edə bilər. Bütün sürücülər Təhlükəsizlik təlimlərindən keçib. Şəhər daxili 20 manat, şəhər xarici 30 manat təşkil edir.(iş vaxti 10 saat)
Uzun müddətli nəqliyyat vasitələrinin icarə haqqı fərdi şəkildə hər bir müştəri ilə razılaşdırıla bilər. Bir tərəfli aeroporta çatdırma və qarşılama xidmətini yüksək səviyyədə təqdim edirik.
Həmçinin 7-48 nəfərlik yeni miniavtobus və avtobuslar ilə nəqliyyat xidmətləri fərdi və korporativ müştərilərə təklif olunur.
*Bütün nəqliyyat vasitələri sığortalanmışdır.